Ekopesantren school is a term that is in bold to give appreciation to Islamic boarding schools that have concern for the environment, and nature conservation. This concern can be realized in the form of environmental programs that cover ten criteria (Ten Criteria for Ekopesantren Programs).
Islamic boarding school is to empower the Islamic boarding school community to improve the quality of the environment based on the Al-Quran and Al-Sunnah.
Increase Knowledge and Awareness about the protection and management of the environment in the pesantren community.
Improving the application of Islamic teachings regarding environmental protection and management in daily activities in the pesantren and community environment.
Realizing a clean, healthy and environmentally friendly Islamic boarding school.
Increasing Islamic Boarding School Activities that have added value both economically, socially and ecologically for the pesantren community and the surrounding community.
Making Islamic boarding schools a learning model for Islamic-based environmental education for the pesantren community and the surrounding community.
Applying Islamic Boarding School Cultural Values, namely: benefit, sincerity, togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, justice and environmental sustainability.
Implementing Environmental Education, namely: having the knowledge, skills, attitudes, motivation and concern for solving existing environmental problems and preventing new problems from occurring in the future, known as the KAASP approach – Knowledge, Awareness, Attitude, Skill and Participation ( Knowledge, Awareness, Attitudes, Skills and Participation). The KAASP is explained as follows:
Knowledge of the matters of interest so that they can be understood and internalized and is a prerequisite for the emergence of environmental awareness.
Awareness is a process in which people begin to awaken their interest, their desire to know something, such as the surrounding environment, environmental, social issues and so on.
Attitude means a change in attitude (behavior) which is one of the most important parts that must be developed, without changes from within ourselves, the knowledge and expertise that we already have will not mean much and be useful for other parties.
Skills are the importance of applying accumulated knowledge that can be applied / practiced in our daily lives so that certain skills are needed that can help contribute to one action.
Participation is to encourage the emergence of participation and direct action from each individual together, if only individuals who move will not help much with the changes we want.