
Increased Knowledge of the Environment and actions in contributing to the environment is indispensable.


Enhance environmental knowledge, through virtual learning modules, to assist in Conservation and the environment.


Tracking Ekopesantren monitors the actions and also environmental and conservation activities in pesantren.


Foster awareness and raise awareness of the importance of maintaining the environment through seminars and conferences.

Ekopesantren Program

Work on a program plan for an ekopesantren It should be adapted to the ability and power in each pesantren. So the first role of the task force is to identify environmental programs or work plans that can be adopted for a pesantren. There are 10 Criteria of the Ekopesantren Program:

Environment-Based Curriculum

Environmental problems, not only related to natural science lessons, but . . .

Integration of Environmental Fiqh Lessons

Pondok pesantren is a community of people in the field of religious education that has long grown in Indonesia. Enrichment….

Improved Human Resources in the Environment

Educators in pesantren, it is very necessary to understand the challenges of life and its problems.

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Direktur Pengelolaan Sampah Mendukung Program Ekopesantren PPI Unas

Direktur Pengelolaan Sampah Mendukung Program Ekopesantren PPI Unas

PPI Unas, Organiser of Ecology
Sen 29 Nov 2021 11:00 am

Jakarta-PPI Unas. Direktur Pengelolaan Sampah, Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) mendukung program Ekopesantren yang tengah dikembangkan oleh Pusat Pengajian

Green Construction Practice

Green Construction Practice

Tony Stark, Founder of Green City
Sun 10 Dec 2017 11:00 am

Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare,

Recycling Plastic Bottle

Recycling Plastic Bottle

Pepper Pots, Ceo of Ever Green
Thu 2 Nov 2017 11:00 am

Mauris id enim id purus ornare tincidunt. Aenean vel consequat risus. Proin viverra nisi at nisl imperdiet auctor. Donec ornare,

Vision of Ekopesantren Program

Pondok pesantren in Indonesia is an “icon” of Islamic education that has been proven to be able to provide a political, social, economic, and change face and feel for Indonesian society. From pesantrenlah many emerged pioneers of Islamic leaders who not only proved able to become leaders of the ummah and nation. Pondok pesantren many environmental actions that can be a lesson for other pesantren, and can contribute to the preservation of the environment.

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